Sheperdstown concert
Thanks to Joanie, Bob, Dana, and Nick for all your wonderful hospitality and work putting on the concert last night. I loved playing the pipes in the church with natural reverb and getting to play for Jess the highland dancer. Doing a full solo show was a first for me and I was kind of surprised that so many people stayed for the second set. It was a lot of bagpipe music but the variety of instruments helped a lot. It was also nice to get to play the Abel whistle and the Olwell flute in such a live space.
This morning I stopped by Nick’s workshop on the way out of town and he helped visualize fir me what would be needed for a foot powered lathe. I got to hear him play the pipe and tabor and see some of his beautiful hammered dulcimers. I learned few things that will help in my own workshop.
What a wonderful couple of days hanging out with these folks and talking bagpipes! I loved talking pibroch with Bob Mitchell and I got some very helpful points and a recording of a tune I’ll hope to compete with next year. This was a great trip!